Boulder, colorado
Height: 5'9" | Eye Color: Hazel | Hair Color: Silver | Weight: 175 l Chest: 41"
Waist: 32" l Shoe: 9.5 l Sleeve: 34 l Inseam: 31" l Coat: 40 l Hat: 7 3/4
Download Full Resume
Starkey Industries | Hearing Aid Commercial | Minneapolis, Minnesota | September 2022
State of Wyoming | Information Commercial for new Suicide Prevention Hotline | June 2022
Jefferson County Government, Colorado | Information commercial for county residents re: a shift in funding proposal | June 2022
Triumph Capital Management | Denver, Colorado | A commercial of a couple seeking wealth management advice | October 2021
Land Rover Commercial | Medic Productions | A spec commercial for the new Land Rover Defender. | April 2021
Children’s Primary Hospital | A part of the University of Utah’s health care system. The shoot provided photographs for the institution’s official website. | December 17th and 18th, 2019
eCommerce Product Shoot | Rockmount Ranch Wear | Denver, CO | April, 2019
(Shoot featured in Forbes Online Magazine | April 25th, 2019)
CBD Supplement Commercial | Ned | Pearl Street, Boulder, CO | February 28th, 2019
"Board Of Directors" | Y On Earth Community | Boulder, CO | February 27th, 2019
Condominium Sales Commercial | Four Seasons International Resorts | Vail, CO | December 18-19th, 2018
Dairy Food Commercial | Mantis Productions | Denver, CO | December 15th, 2018
Medical Apparatus Commercial | Medtronics | Gunbarrel, CO | November 2nd, 2018
Recruitment Commercial | Floyd's 99 Barbershop | Denver, CO | September 9th, 2018
Stock Image Photo Shoot | Pearl Street, Boulder, CO | March 19th, 2018
​Car Buying Commercial | Groove Subaru | Englewood, CO | March 9th, 2018
​Cross Fit Gym Commercial | e3 Gym l Denver, CO | July 2017​
"Take Heart" (Music Video) - Trout Steak Revival | Ramble West Productions | Nederland Cemetery | Nederland, CO | March 2017
Cassoulet [2021] Short Film
Husband of Alzheimer's Patient | Director: Derek Zen | Derek Zen Productions | Denver, CO |
Screened at the 2021 North Hollywood International Film Festival
"The Missionary" Short Film
Stan, The Minister - "The Missionary" | Director: Steve Porras | Booze Bag Productions | Greenland, CO | May 26th, 2019 | Release: October 2019
Denver Latin Fashion Week | August 24, 2019 | Wings Over The Rockies Air & Space Museum | Denver, CO
Denver Fashion Week | Designer: Amy Lisojo | March 28, 2019 | Wings Over The Rockies Air & Space Museum | Denver, CO
Denver Fashion Week | Designer: Station | November 08, 2018 | Lumenati | Denver, CO
Boulder Community Hospital's Ambassadors Extravaganza | Omni Hotel |
Broomfield, CO | November 3rd, 2016​
Model & Talent Expo | November 15th-20th, 2016 | Dallas, TX |
*FIRST RUNNER UP MEDAL: Commercial Print Male
Women's Expo | September 10th & 11th, 2016 | Mortgage Solutions Financial Expo Center | Colorado Springs, CO
Relevant Skill Development / Instructors​
Stuart Stone | Stuart Stone Casting
[September - November, 2018]
Julie Gallahue | Goldie Mae Productions
[July 30, 2018]
Julie Gallahue | Goldie Mae Productions
[May 2018]
Kathryn Brink | Kathryn Brink Casting
Sponsor: Lincoln Talent
[November 02, 2018}
Strength and Fitness Training | Courtroom Expert Witness
Snowshoeing | X-Country Skiing | Hiking
River Rafting | Traveling | Dancing | Gardening
Camping and Fishing | Cooking/Baking
Spanish Language Proficiency | Latin American Accents l Southern Accents
Recent features
Interview in Shout Out Colorado
Shout Out Colorado sits down with Howard for an in-depth interview,
featured in their "Local Stories" section. Published on December 27, 2022.
Read the full article here - Shout Out Colorado
"Take Heart" Music Video
"Take Heart" (Music Video) - Trout Steak Revival | Ramble West Productions | Nederland Cemetery | Nederland, CO | March 2017
Livin' on a Prayer Podcast
This podcast by FKU50 recounts how Howard, faced at age sixty-five with a series of unexpected life-transforming events, energized himself to chart a new path-becoming an actor and model. It’s quite the story — give it a listen here!

Denver Fashion Week Fall 2019
Shot at The Forney Transportation Museum in Denver, Colorado. November 9th, 2019.
Featuring designs by Hunter Higgins of Royal Outerwear. Photo by Amanda Piela

"How Two Denver Models Challenge Ageism In The Fashion Industry" - 303 Magazine
An article discussing how creativity and self-expression have no age limit. Follow the link to read the whole article and view the accompanying photographs!

eCommerce Product Shoot - Rockmount Ranch Wear
A product shoot for Rockmount Ranch Wear featured on their website and covered in an online edition of Forbes Magazine on April 25th, 2019.
"Board Of Directors" - Y On Earth Community
A showcase of Howard as a professional business executive. Shot at The Highland City Club in Boulder, CO on February 27th, 2019.
"When Life Hands You Lemons" - Boulder Lifestyle Magazine
An editorial telling the story of how Howard reinvented himself after his life suddenly and unexpectedly changed course. Follow the link to read the whole article and view the accompanying photographs!

Denver Fashion Week Fall 2018
Shot on location at Lumenati, in Denver, Colorado. November 8th, 2018. Featuring designs by Mario Conte @ Station. Video by Empath Eyes Studio
A recent Subaru commercial receiving air time on local Colorado broadcasts. (This screenshot was from a televised Colorado Rockies game)
Shot on location at Groove Subaru in Englewood, Colorado.